Our Program Areas

Indigenous Languages

Indigenous languages and culture give people their identity.  We actively promote literacy in all of the NWT’s nine official Indigenous languages, as well as English and French.

Family and Community Literacy

Family members are a child’s first teachers.  Playing, singing, reading and talking with children during their early years builds a solid foundation for strong language skills and learning success.

  • Canada Learning Bond
    More than 4,400 NWT children qualify for the Canada Learning Bond and are not receiving it. We create awareness and help families access this federal money that can be saved for their children’s post-secondary education. Read more.
Adult Literacy and Essential Skills

Today’s changing world means that as adults we must continuously use and grow our skills at home, in the community and at work.

Youth Literacy

Youth represent the future of the NWT. They’re the next leaders, parents, employers and employees. Finding ways to keep youth engaged in learning is an important part of our work.

Immigrants and Refugees

Our Community Connections program provides varied activities for immigrants and refugees to get to meet Yellowknife residents and to improve their English. Participants learn more about Yellowknife and feel more connected to their community.

Plain Language

Plain language design, writing and editing can get your message across clearly to everyone, whatever their literacy skills. We provide training, writing and editing services on a fee-for-service basis.