Holiday book recommendations 2021: Part 3

Holiday book recommendations 2021: Part 3

This week we are continuing with more suggestions of books for the holiday season. This week our focus is books that we have discovered (or rediscovered) and enjoyed over the last year.

This summer my four-year-old selected Crunch, the Shy Dinosaur by Chirocco Dunlap from a book store shelf. At first glance it looked like a cute book about a dinosaur, but it also teaches about self-regulation and ways to help people (or dinosaurs!) feel comfortable in social situations. We have to practice talking to Crunch in a calm and soothing voice and giving him the space to rest and recharge after socializing. I would recommend this for young kids who are learning how to communicate their emotions and their self-regulation needs.

  • Katie Johnson

One of my New Year’s resolutions for 2021 was to read 10 books over the course of the year. While this proved to be an ambitious task for me, I did manage to read seven, mostly from two book series both of which I would recommend.

First, I began reading The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski. Some of you may know the title from the recent Netflix show. I would recommend these books as they both complement and expand on the story the show tells. These books are great fantasy novels, with a multi-book ongoing story. There are also two books of short stories involving the same characters. Whether you want the long form epic, like Lord of the Rings, or would prefer shorter stories, The Witcher has you covered.

Second, I read a couple of Lee Child’s Jack Reacher books during this year. These books tend to be fairly easy reading, while still containing complex spy shenanigans. Anyone who is a fan of espionage, conspiracy and overall ‘big government’ corruption should give these books a read. A great aspect of this series is that, while there are recurring characters and plot points, each book is a standalone story that can be read without reading the previous books. Another bonus is there are 25 Jack Reacher stories by Lee Child. If you enjoy them, they can keep you reading for quite some time.

  • Jeremy Mousseau

This summer, while sorting through items at my parents’ home, I found one of my favourite books from my childhood: The Olden Days Coat by Margaret Laurence. This book tells the story of a 10-year-old girl named Sal, who is spending Christmas at her grandmother’s house. Exploring the attic, she tries on a coat that she finds in an old trunk. Suddenly she finds herself transported through time. This book would make a great gift for children aged six and up.

  • Kathryn Barry Paddock

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