
With International Read to Me Day coming up on March 19, it is fitting that NWT Literacy Council (NWTLC) is completing our Reading Together project this week. The project, funded by the GNWT’s Healthy Choices Fund, has been a partnership with the North Slave Correctional Complex (NSCC). NSCC Programs staff and NWTLC staff have worked together to create a supportive program for fathers in the… Read more.
HIPPY, Literacy, and a Mother’s Story The Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) in Yellowknife is now on its third month and making waves of positive literacy change in the homes.  Moms express excitement about how their children are reading more, writing more, and learning new concepts in Math and Science.  Children love the hands-on activities and most of all look… Read more.
It is that time of year again! March Break is almost upon us.  Although we might be missing some of our usual March activities -- like festivals, hockey tournaments and trips out of town -- there are still lots of great ways to enjoy a break here in the NWT at home, outside and in your community. Check out these ideas to make the most of your family time this March! In-person and virtual events… Read more.
I grew up in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, before Nunavut had become its own again. Although many Inuit lived, and still live, in Yellowknife, most of my family live in the Kitikmeot and Kivalliq regions. I grew up hearing Inuinnaqtun and Inuktitut dialects all the way from the western to central to eastern arctic. Among the many dialectal differences, one of the main ones is whether you… Read more.
Growing up, all I ever spoke was English. I heard my mom often say odd words in other languages that I later found out were Cree and Inuktitut . My father hosted radio shows and always talked to my grannie in a language I never understood: Chipewyan. My father is a residential school survivor. He was shamed for speaking his language. He decided not to teach us how to speak Chipewyan for fear that… Read more.
Sì Stacey Sundberg Siyeh,  Semò Marò, Setá Brian, Ehtsì Mary Louise Drygeese, Ehtsè John Drygeese  Mahsì cho Elders always say the best way to introduce yourself is in your language, and always acknowledge your grandparents and/or your great-grandparents, so I always remind youth and children to do so also! The best advice is the elders’ advice!!  Dene languages in the North are our lifeline.… Read more.
Politicians loudly and proudly declare their support for language revitalization. CBC loves a good fluff story about a young person learning their language. The public school system claims they have integrated Dene and Inuit languages and culture into the classroom (Dene Kede and Inuuqatigiit). Yet I can only count a handful of youth my own age (24) who can understand, let alone speak, their… Read more.
In keeping with the theme for National Family Literacy Day, “Travel the World Together,” I want to describe how I travel in my work. As the Community Connections Coordinator, I run programs for immigrants to help them adjust to life in Yellowknife. Often, I learn as much from the participants as they might from me. At Global Cooking, I am in awe as I watch the newcomers prepare delicious food… Read more.
Each year on January 27th we celebrate National Family Literacy Day. In 1999, ABC Life Literacy Canada created National Family Literacy Day as a day of awareness and celebration of family literacy and families having fun and spending time learning together. Two decades later it is now celebrated across the country, as well as here in the NWT! This year our celebration will look a little… Read more.
“Traditionally, education was not schooling. Learning for survival happened during all the waking hours, each and every day, and all life long. Learning occurred through life experience—not in abstraction or set apart from on-going life activities.” -    Dene Kede [K-6], 1993, p. xxvi This year, the NWT Literacy Council is once again coordinating the annual Indigenous Languages Month (ILM),… Read more.