What's New

June 27th 1 to 4 pm

Sombak K'e Civic Plaza

Food trucks, Free food samples, Dance performances, interactive workshops.

Booths showcasing different cultures

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The Early Childhood Assistant will:

  • promote literacy through various methods, including Facebook lives, social media and contests.
  • create resources to support activities for events such as International Literacy Day.
  • assist Family Literacy program staff to create early learning materials for use in Family Literacy programming.
  • work with Family Literacy staff to create resources for the Bison Bus (a mobile family literacy bus).
  • lead activities in the Bison Bus at community events (may involve travel to other communities dependent on the Public Health directives at the time).

This job may require working on evenings, weekends and holidays depending on activities. Due to funding, this is a temporary position for 12 weeks, and employees must be youth aged 15-30 years old.

Closing date: Friday, May 28, 2021, noon. Please email any questions, resume and cover letter to NWT Literacy Council’s Executive Director, Kathryn Barry Paddock at kathryn@nwtliteracy.ca.

The Program Assistant will:

  • promote literacy through various means, including social media, Facebook lives, etc. 
  • create learning materials to assist staff in the Community Connections program for newcomers.
  • assist Community Connections and other staff serving newcomers with outdoor programming as permitted due to COVID-19 restrictions.
  • assist Community Connections staff with community garden.
  • create learning materials for newcomer programming.
  • work in partnership with other NWTLC staff to lead literacy activities at summer day camps.

This job may require working on evenings, weekends and holidays depending on activities. Due to funding, this is a temporary position for 12 weeks, and employees must be youth aged 15-30 years old.

Closing date: Friday, May 28, 2021, noon. Please email any questions, resume and cover letter to NWT Literacy Council’s Executive Director, Kathryn Barry Paddock at kathryn@nwtliteracy.ca.

PDF ( - 118.59 KB )

Mother's Day Surprise Bags

All you have to do is read for 15 minutes on Wednesday, April 14. You can read anything, wherever and whenever you would like.

Here are some ideas:

  • Take a book to a coffee shop
  • Head to the park with your work email
  • Read your newspaper on the bus
  • Curl up by the window with your graphic novel
  • Enjoy reading poetry out loud in a tent
  • Do your homework on your deck

Email nwtliteracy@nwtliteracy.ca, or comment on the Read for 15 post on our Facebook page or Instagram account to let us know that you read for 15. All entries received by 9 AM on Thursday, April 15 will be entered to win a prize pack.

PDF ( - 535.35 KB )

During NWT Literacy Week, April 11-17

Show of f the beauty of the land in your region of the NWT. 

Visit NWT Literacy Council’s Facebook page and add your photo as a comment on our photo contest post. You can also email your photo to katie@nwtliteracy.ca and we will add the photo to the post.

Every NWT resident who submits a photo between April 11 and 17 will be entered into a draw for prize packages.

nwtliteracy.ca • 867-873-9262 or 1-866-599-6758

PDF ( - 767.84 KB )

The NWT Literacy Council invites you to take your learning and literacy outside this week. Think about the things that you enjoy learning about on the land, and the lessons that the land has taught you.

NWT-wide events

Photo contest:

Show off your community and the beautiful land around it!

Check out NWT Literacy Council’s Facebook page throughout NWT Literacy Week to enter this contest.

Read for 15:

Join us in reading for 15 minutes on Wednesday, April 14. Visit our Facebook page or email nwtliteracy@nwtliteracy.ca to let us know you read and to enter a draw.

Watch NWT Literacy Council’s Facebook page for community events to be shared.

PDF ( - 703.81 KB )

Supporting Yellowknife businesses and the NWT Literacy Council

Thanks to Signed., ArTech Engrave, Barren Ground Coffee, The Yellowknife Book Cellar and Prosperous Lake Soap Co., we have surprise bags full of local goodies for sale! All items or services were provided at a discount or wholesale rate. NWTLC is selling at just above the combined retail value to raise funds for the Bison Bus Mobile Family Literacy Centre.

An annual training for Recreation Coordinators, Adult Educators, Teachers or Educational Assistants, Community Health Representatives (CHRs), Youth Centre program staff, Wellness Coordinators, Librarians, or anyone interested in youth literacy and essential skills!

Dates: November 30, December 1, 7, & 8 from 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m * New dates

Information Package

Registration is limited – apply by November 26, 2020!

Cost to register – free!

Register here.

November 4, 2020-January 27, 2021 

Information Package below:

Download ( - 348.53 KB )