What's New

Thursday, January 17

10 am - 1 pm

Calvary Community Church

For parents and preschool children

Tuesdays, starting January 15

10 am - noon

Calvary Community Church

Treat yourself! Meet new people.

Fridays. 7 pm. January 11 - February 1

Peace Building, 4910 50 St.

Come early to make the most of your time in the pool, hot tub and steam room. Volunteers available to help teach non-swimmers.

Saturday, January 12

Ruth Inch Memorial Pool

Adults are invited to join the Community Connections drumming circle on Sundays in December at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife.

December 2, 9 and 16

2-4 pm

Come early to make the most of your time in the pool, hot tub and steam room.

Volunteers available to help teach non-swimmers.

Clean leggings, t-shirt and scarf can be worn instead of bathing suits.

Date: Friday November 30 & Friday, December 14, 2018 
Time: 8:30 – 9:30 pm 
Place: Ruth Inch Memorial Pool, 6002 Franklin Ave. 

Contact Karen Johnson: Phone: (867) 873-9262
Email: karen@nwtliteracy.ca

Ladies Only Swim Night ( - 356.38 KB )

You can apply for a grant to hold an Everyone in the Kitchen event during NWT Literacy Week 2018.

Application Form

or contact us at nwtliteracy@nwtliteracy.ca

Cook international food with us! Practice your English. Meet new people.

Thursday, October 18
10 - 1:00 pm

Healthy Family Centre
Upstairs, 4913 - 47 Street

Contact Karen Johnson:
Phone: (867) 873-9262
Email: karen@nwtliteracy.ca

Global Cooking poster ( - 1.51 MB )